Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I bid thee farewell.....

Well the day had to come sooner or later.

It was enjoyable discussing with you the state of journalism practice and theory in our world today. All that is left to ask is: 'what have we gotten from this' ?

I think I've learnt that there is a plethora of theories out there that we have looked at, that try to shape an understanding of journalism - and many of these are no longer relevent to the practice of journalism today. I've learnt that journalism is a quickly changing and evolving practice, and its use, consumption and relevence is much different in today's world than years before. The changing nature of journalism may seem to be a given to anyone reading - but it has been an interesting and worthwhile activity to methodically go through and just think about what my role may be in the future (being the hopeful journo that I am).

Till next time.....

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